Our Commitments
Ethics and Compliance
The way we do business is increasingly important to our stakeholders who want assurance that we not only conduct ourselves responsibly and ethically, but also that suppliers and customers across our value chain do so as well. We look for opportunities to improve transparency about our business practices and work to ensure our people understand and fulfil their obligations. We participate in assessment and accreditation programs to verify our performance and identify opportunities for improvement so our stakeholders can have confidence in the way we work.
We expect our people to uphold the highest standard of integrity and to act ethically.
Sometimes this requires courage, which is one of our values. This expectation extends to our partners, that they behave and operate in a way that aligns with our values and priorities.
Our code of conduct, The Way We Work, lays out clear expectations on how we should conduct our business, and ourselves, no matter where we work or where we are from. We want everyone to have the courage to speak up when something is not right, to show integrity and take decisive action when needed. This is not always easy but being courageous means doing it anyway.
The Way We Work also makes it clear that we do not offer, pay or accept bribes, no matter where we operate, no matter what the situation, and no matter who is involved.
Human Rights
SimFer is committed to upholding internationally recognized human rights, as defined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR), and to implementing the United Nations Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGPs).
The Simandou project is fully committed to managing its workforce and providing working conditions in accordance with Guinean legislation and international labor standards as defined by the International Labour Organization and the Performance Standard 2 of the International Finance Corporation (IFC) (Labor and Working Conditions).
Adhering to these commitments, as well as all Guinean laws and regulations, demonstrates our firm commitment to prioritizing human rights in the implementation of the Simandou project, while also contributing to maintaining our Social License to Operate (SLO) and establishing positive relationships with our employees, local communities, and business partners.
In addition to its values, SimFer is guided by Rio Tinto’s code of conduct, “Our Business Approach,” which provides a clear framework for how we conduct our activities, regardless of our workplace or origin. This code applies to each of us as employees, as well as to our consultants, agents, contractors, and suppliers, helping us to uphold and promote responsible practices throughout our value chain, from mine to market.
Integrity is paramount in all of SimFer’s activities worldwide. In Guinea, and wherever we operate, we act transparently, speak honestly, and assume our responsibilities.
It is essential that the people of Guinea are informed about our projects and understand the processes we follow and the high standards to which we adhere.
We will continue to report and communicate regular updates on our progress and how we conduct our business.
We are a founding member of the Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) and have actively supported EITI principles and global standards of transparency and accountability since 2003.